Our Brave Little Toaster
A Journey Made Possible By You
Toaster was a scared stray on the streets of Salinas—until UnChained's Canines Teaching Compassion program changed his life. Now, he's part of a loving family.
Read on to follow Toaster’s heartwarming journey from homeless dog to finding a loving family.
Nicole, Toaster’s Foster Parent, Shares: "When I first met Toaster, he was a scared and skittish street dog. Watching him grow through UnChained’s program was like witnessing magic. He found his courage, learned how to trust, and let his playful, silly personality shine. Seeing him leave for his forever home was one of the most rewarding moments of my life—he’s truly the king of his castle now."
Your generosity fuels transformations, bringing hope and new beginnings to both youth and dogs in our community. Thank you!